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RISE 2020:30 - Noruega - Carregando carros elétricos em garagens de estacionamento

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Mensagens: 1979
Registrado em: 18 Abr 2018, 12:41
Possui Veiculo Elétrico: Sim
Veiculo(s): Bolt / XC40 P6

RISE 2020:30 - Noruega - Carregando carros elétricos em garagens de estacionamento

Mensagem por ivanfm »

  • Charging of electric cars in parking garages

  • https://ri.diva-portal.org/smash/get/di ... TEXT01.pdf

  • Importante observar que na conclusão do estudo eles indicam evitar uso de tomadas que não são preparadas para uso especifico para recarga de veículos elétricos

  • Conclusions :
    "Based on the findings from statistics and a literature review, there were no indications that charging
    of electric cars in parking garages would result in an increased probability of fire. The regulations
    regarding charging points for electric cars seem to be adequate for ensuring that the risk of fire
    arising due to the charging of electric cars in parking garages is acceptable. This requires that the
    charging points are in accordance with the regulations and that the recommendations from the car
    manufacturers and the producers of the charging points are followed. It is important to avoid the
    use of power sockets not intended for the charging of vehicles and also to avoid the use of extension
    leads. Based on this, the need for fixed water-based firefighting systems in parking garages is no
    higher for parking garages with the possibility of charging of electric cars than in other parking
    There are still unknown factors with regard to both the development of fire in parking garages in
    general and also regarding potential fire propagation to the battery pack specifically. More
    knowledge is needed in order to increase the accuracy of evaluations and recommendations."

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